Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I fear.

Coming to New Tech i highly fear a group that does not focus and does not help me at all in any projects. I fear "Stress." I fear being left alone to do a project by myself. I fear "Big Projects" and "Low Grades."
I fear mean teachers and missing assignments. I fear having no friends. I fear that i will not be able t and an assignment. I fear failing, I fear failure in general. I don't want to fail. Most people are not afraid of a certain thing like for example a fight. Some people are not afraid of the fight itself, they are afraid of failing, of not being able to controll it and/or knowing what to do to not get hurt. I fear failure, and even if I try to get over my fear I can't and I don't want to, that fear is always there to challenge me and help me, it wil help me in life and school. Fear, along with bravery, to my opinion is what keeps you going on my "Hero's Journey."

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