Monday, November 5, 2012


"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. "

Henry David Thoreau 

Solitude is the best companion when it comes to thinking. It helps you spread your mind, it helps you cool down in a time when you are angry. But it is also the worst companion. It can hurt you emotionaly, and make you hurt yourself physicly when it comes to depression. I belive solitude is my best and worst companion. Its there in the good and bad times. And even if you are with people does not mean you're not going through solitude. It is the best and worst companion aat the best and worst of times.

Inspiration from the riders!

We had to watch a short film in my advisory class, it was about a group of men from Rwanda. The group of men had to rise up from nothing to become "Professional Riders." This story inspired me to reach for higher goals that may seem impossible. Mainly because the mentor of this group was an Professional Rider, but also an Ex-Criminal, he was surprisingly the best mentor these men could have. I have also realized to "not judge a book by its cover." These men had to face obstacles  for example coming to America and having to face the wind while they we're riding. And that made me realize that they we're also on a "Hero's Journey."
They had a hard journey, but it all was worth it when the star rider of the team won in the top eight, and for the chance to compete in the Olympics  but all because a humble teammate gave him his bike and wasted his chance to win, but he did win, the team won.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Book, New Discovery.

In class we had to write a book review, that got me thinking about what I really look for in books. I have realized that I chose my book because it was a thrilling story, I also realized I love mystery books, I like suspence books, and horror books. One of my favorites is Skeleton Creek  (the whole series.) And then I realized that I am a mystery, that my life is a mystery. I have discovered that my life works like this, if theres a thrilling mystery to be discovered I'll be intrested. If theres a project at school where we have to solve a mystery you bet your  money I'll be intrested. Main point is we all like to work with what we are intrested in, if theres no intrest we won't like it. I feel like if I want to like a project I have to incorporate my way of working and my intrests with that project, even if it is "Impssible." That could be another osticle in my "Hero's Journey."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Symbols are things that represent what we believe in. In the book "Forbidden City" Alex must learn to interpret symbols. He must learn to figure out what the symbols mean. Symbols can tell you where to go, what to do, and how and when to do it. They can tell you if someone is evil or nice. For example the rebel symbol in Star Wars Episode IV-VI means freedom and rebellion, it is also a way to show independence, symbols can also show which side your on. Symbols are necessity for a hero on their journey. Without symbols the hero would be lost, and he will not know where to look for answers. At new tech we have symbols, for example the penguin represents the school spirit, and our mascot of course.


Alex in the book "Forbidden City" is taking "Responsible Risks" going to china. He is taking risks because he does not know whats going to happen in china, I can connect with that because for example in one of my classes we are doing a project where we have to become a marketing agency, we are taking risks because  we don't know if our "Client" will like our proposal. We are risking our reputation as marketing agency's by coming up with new innovating ideas. I also took a risk coming here to New Tech. I did not know if I was going to make friends or if this school was going to be hard but i came ether way.After taking many risks I have made a lot of friends and now can keep up with my grades. You have to take risks to succeed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I fear.

Coming to New Tech i highly fear a group that does not focus and does not help me at all in any projects. I fear "Stress." I fear being left alone to do a project by myself. I fear "Big Projects" and "Low Grades."
I fear mean teachers and missing assignments. I fear having no friends. I fear that i will not be able t and an assignment. I fear failing, I fear failure in general. I don't want to fail. Most people are not afraid of a certain thing like for example a fight. Some people are not afraid of the fight itself, they are afraid of failing, of not being able to controll it and/or knowing what to do to not get hurt. I fear failure, and even if I try to get over my fear I can't and I don't want to, that fear is always there to challenge me and help me, it wil help me in life and school. Fear, along with bravery, to my opinion is what keeps you going on my "Hero's Journey."

Monday, October 1, 2012


In my hero's journey I am in the call to action.
I am on my call to action because we are barely starting the project. I am on my way to getting into the hero's journey.