Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Book, New Discovery.

In class we had to write a book review, that got me thinking about what I really look for in books. I have realized that I chose my book because it was a thrilling story, I also realized I love mystery books, I like suspence books, and horror books. One of my favorites is Skeleton Creek  (the whole series.) And then I realized that I am a mystery, that my life is a mystery. I have discovered that my life works like this, if theres a thrilling mystery to be discovered I'll be intrested. If theres a project at school where we have to solve a mystery you bet your  money I'll be intrested. Main point is we all like to work with what we are intrested in, if theres no intrest we won't like it. I feel like if I want to like a project I have to incorporate my way of working and my intrests with that project, even if it is "Impssible." That could be another osticle in my "Hero's Journey."

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